Craig, Montana, July 1, 2009
It was a cool morning in Montana and we had to layer up a bit before rigging up and getting into the drift boat for a float that began at the Wolf Creek Bridge. We rigged the heavier rods for nymphing but also set up another rod for possible dry fly action later in the day.

Tom and I were in one boat and Jin and SteveL were in another and it wasn't long before both boats were into fish. With two years of good water flow and lots of insects to feast on the trout were strong, fat and full of fight. We fished current seams and bubble trails as we slowly worked our way down the Missouri River, firing casts to either side of the boat when guide Joe Moore and Greg Falls pointed out likely trout holding areas. I don't know exactly what was going on in the second boat but from all the shouting I could hear SteveL, who was standing in the bow, was tearing up the fish.
The guides had planned a long float trip but we got held up when fishing turned out to be red hot at a few spots. Tom and I spent the better part of an hour and a half fishing 50-yards of a deep run that produced countless cookie-cutter rainbows between 18 to 22-inches. The scenario would begin with Joe rowing up to the point of a drop-off and just keep the boat pointing downstream as Tom and I threw a cast and set the line for a dead drift. Tom would get a fish almost immediately but I would pick a rainbow up about 10-yards further downstream. After releasing the fish, Joe would row back upriver and we'd do it all over again. It was one of those spots where you lost count of the numbers landed and your arm would be sore from all the pumping and fighting.

EQUIPMENT: We used 5 and 6-weight rods rigged for nymphing or dry fly fishing.

The Missouri River slide show