Honolulu, Hawaii, August 4, 2013
A report from Eric for mikescatchreport.com
I went out this morning around 6am as the tide was bottoming out and beginning to rise. The wind was blowing slightly as I walked out to one of my fishing spots.

I started to cast with my TFO Pro special 8wt and Lamson Litespeed reel. After about 15 minutes of fishing I had no takers so I changed to my go-to fly, made three cast and hooked up. This fish cut right across the flats in front of me, making a rooster tail in the water with the fly line. The fish sped off to the left, looking for the channel.
I fought the bonefish for awhile and when I finally got to weigh it it came in at 5 1/2 pounds.

After releasing the fish and started to walk back towards the parking lot. The tide was coming in so the water was getting deep. I found a coral popper to stand on and made a cast. Another hook up! This fish weighed an even 3 pounds.

I made my way in, around 50 yards from shore, and saw a nice sandy area near some coral. I made two casts and caught a Yellow Dot papio (Jack Crevalle) that was about one pound.
After this I just walked in, washed up and went home.