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Roughly a 45 minute drive from West Yellowstone is the Henry’s Fork, one of the 50 places you must fly fish before heading for the big riffle in the sky. After fortifying the body with coffee and breakfast treats Jin, Tom, Andy, John and I piled into the SUV to try our luck against the Fork’s wary trout. We were on the clock today because we were planning on attending the official opening of the Big Sky Anglers shop in West Yellowstone this evening and didn’t want to be late.

In some locations, the fish are heavily pounded on a daily basis. We drove pass sections of the Fork that sprouted fly anglers every 30 yards. But we also found locations where we had the area all to ourselves. And the fishing was surprisingly good, considering the time of day, and we had a pretty good time playing with rainbows and a few browns.

The Henry’s Fork in southeastern Idaho is a tributary of the Snake River and is approximately 127 miles long. The Fork is also called the North Fork of the Snake River. The river is named after Andrew Henry, an employee of the Missouri Fur Company, who entered the Snake River plateau in 1810. He established Fort Henry on the Upper Snake River as a fur outpost but it was abandoned after one year.