Washington County, Maryland,
February 12, 2011
A report by Brendan for
I was out at Beaver Creek last week and had a hell of a
time. The temperature was supposed to hit 50 degrees but
never made it above 43 degrees on the stream with plenty of
snow still on the banks.
I guess they had just done their pre-season stocking
because the fish were very concentrated around likely
stocking locations and they were not too interested in
natural patterns. I switched over to a funky steelhead
fly I had tied for a recent trip to Oregon and started
pulling them in one after another--a silver bead head with
pink chenille and a silver flash tail brought a dozen or so
decent fish out in the two hours I fished. A bait guy even
asked what I was using so that's normally a good sign.
The fish probably have settled in a little more now so
natural patterns should slowly become more effective.
Pulling out stockies isn't really my thing, but in the
middle of a cold winter it was a nice escape.
Anyway, thought i'd share since you're one of the people
who convinced me to try out this stream after years of
driving by it.
Also, I've started a new
blog. Lot's
more coming in the next few weeks.