Honolulu, Hawaii, January 30
to February 2, 2010
battling a bonefish on the flats somewhere on the south
shore of Oahu.__________________________________2009
file photo, www.mikescatchreport.com
A report from SteveT
What a weekend. Tough fishing. My arm aches from
making a million cast but I got very few
I went
fishing for three straight days without landing a single
fish. This morning I hit the water at 8am and the flats
were choked with fish, as usual. As I walked out I did my
customary lining of fish. It's always depressing to see
huge schools of fish blasting away from your fly line. I
wonder if it's still fly fishing if I tie a real crab to
the end of my leader and use an indicator? Like nymphing
for bonefish.
Anyway, I finally made it all the way to the flag on the
reef without getting a single grab but finally, on my way
back about 11am, I hooked a small (because it barely
went into the backing) O'io (bonefish).
I fought it for a few minutes and even got it within ten
feet of me, then lost it (the hook came loose). Dang it,
still skunked. I went to St. Louis Drive-In. I
figured one of their plate lunches would make me feel
The following day I went out around 3pm and I think I found
the channel through the reef you told me about. I got a
huge hit around 4pm that turned my new rod into a big 'U'.
This fish must have peeled off 100 yards of backing as it
made a bee-line straight for the pipe marking the channel
mouth. I tried but I couldn't turn it. I finally ended up
losing it when the uni-knot snapped (I hate uni-knots and
blood knots) or the leader might have gotten wrapped around
the pipe.
Ok I figure no more uni-knots (or any knots) on my leader
today. So I'm fishing with a 6 foot leader but I guess it
doesn't matter since I'm using the Monic line.
Then again a shorter leader means the fly doesn't sink as
far down. No more hits and my arm was aching so I decided
to start back to shore about 5 pm.
I started casting towards shore on my way back. After the
first couple of casts I hooked and landed a 4 pound
bonefish. Finally! Saved from being skunked, I
almost pulled a 'Mike' (no fish for the entire
vacation). I
cast again to the same spot. And 'bam'
another grab. This time the fish sits and thinks for a
moment before it made a bee-line toward the ocean, peeling
off backing. I think to myself this might be a good
one. All of a sudden the backing stops coming off the reel
and I see a big bird nest ! Then the line goes limp.
Dang it. When the first fish peeled off all the
backing I didn't wind the back back on tightly so it got
messed up. End of story.