Honolulu, Hawaii, May 1-3, 2009
A report from SteveL
SteveT was in town the last few days and I just happen to take vacation on Friday to take part in a dedication of an out-door performance area at Liliuokalani Elementary School that my son's Boy Scout troop help to create. It was also my son's Eagle Scout project. That afternoon I went with SteveT to fish the rising tide. We each caught one bonefish. While I was trying out his Sage rod, I hooked a 3.25 pounder. Great fight. Must have taken out 50 yards of backing.

The next day we fished near Rat Island. It was as perfect condition as you could imagine. So glassy you could see every fish. I was spotting fish tailing as the tide rose. We had multiple cracks at fish but didn't have any takers. SteveT did manage to hook one right before we packed up - a 3.5 pound oio (bonefish, Albula vulpes). While we were there I was approached by another fly fisherman. He starts off asking if I was SteveT. I said no, and pointed to Steve in the distance and said he's over there. He must have been another Hawaii Goes Fishing fan. He said he's been fishing these flats for a number of years and hasn't caught anything smaller than a five pound oio.

This morning I went out very early to try again to fish off the point and hooked a 1.5 pouind tako (octopus)! I bit him between the eyes and bagged it. I saw a number of large oio playing in the shallows but I had no takes. On the way back in, unlike Jin taking pictures of dogs, I found a "beach bunny".